Tubular Services LLC
Serving the industry for over 45 years.Tubular Services (TSLLC) is the premier independent OCTG (Oil Country Tubular Goods) processor in the Southwest. TSLLC processes tubing and casing ranging from 1.315″ to 13 3/8″ O.D. At TSLLC we are always searching for methods to improve our services to our customers and to improve productivity in every phase of our operations. Our attention to specific customers’ needs and providing quality OCTG end finishing service has earned Tubular Services an unsurpassed reputation in the end finishing industry.
Serving you better is our objective and our efforts are to ensure that you can depend on us to meet your needs on every order — every time. TSLP's goal is to update and maintain our plan and equipment to the latest industry standards. We invite you to visit our facilities to receive a first hand tour of the many improvements made to the physical plant.